Our history
Obtaining the MORE label, awarded by the Fédération de la Plasturgie to manufacturers who source recycled plastic materials in their production.

Launch of the European Compolive project, of which Caliplast and Plasturgia are industrial partners. This project aims to generate new biocomposites from the fiber of olive pits. We will be in charge of promoting this new bio-composite in the interior furnishing market. First demonstrators planned for 2021.

We are preparing for the future by forming the Plasturgia group with Frilame, Caliplast and Wenoplast, thus providing a global offer in plastic injection.

Creation of Wenoplast, a company specializing in the design of parts, the production of tools and the development of processes.

Creation of the Ruptur association with 15 other companies. We encourage the creative and environmental economy by becoming a player in the Blue economy.The objectives are to create a real environmental and societal breakthrough to build the economy of tomorrow, anticipate business changes, create new businesses and transmit to younger generations.

More collaborative management. Creation of the C.A.L.I.S project (Trust and Autonomy to Release Synergies) During this launch day, co-construction of a framework with 15 founding values.
Transition from a hierarchical organization to an organization favoring the autonomy of the team. Collective intelligence and the authenticity of exchanges is at the heart of the strategy.The objective: to strengthen the development, well-being and motivation of each person. The result of collaborative work with the entire Caliplast company which allowed us to define common rules and values.

Celebration of 10 years of Caliplast with all the partners.
Signing of a profit-sharing agreement.

Caliplast winner of the Pays de Loire Territories Innovation Trophies in the "Human Resources" category for having set up a social barometer. This barometer was carried out with all employees, to highlight the problems.Results: We have implemented new actions regarding compensation and recognition. Direct congratulations to employees, greater availability of management, use of transversal skills, bonuses on objectives.
Results: We have implemented new actions regarding compensation and recognition. Direct congratulations to employees, greater availability of management, use of transversal skills, bonuses on objectives.

The EREVA Company created in 1973 was taken over by Pascal METENIER in 2000, it was then renamed Caliplast.
Signature of an agreement for the annualization of working time. The activity is refocused on the subcontracting of injected plastic parts.
As soon as the company took over, significant efforts were made to remobilize the teams.

Création de la société Frilame, qui a pour signification Frittage Laser de Métal. Technologie innovante utilisé dès la création de l'entreprise pour la réalisation des outillages.
Frilame est spécialisée dans la fabrication de moules d'injection plastique et de prototypes.